Selected Dataset Filters


Population Census
ID Country Year Description Data Tables
all: AL2001pop Albania 2001 Population and Housing Census 2001 78
all: DZ1998pop Algeria 1998 Population and Housing Census 1998 7
all: AO2014pop Angola 2014 General Population and Housing Census 34
all: BE1991pop Belgium 1991 General Census of Population and Housing on March 1, 1991 4
all: BZ2010pop Belize 2010 Belize Population and Housing Census 2010 20
all: CK2011pop Cook Islands 2011 Census of Population and Dwellings 103
all: DO2010pop Dominican Republic 2010 IX National Population and Housing Census 2010 57
all: EE2011pop Estonia 2011 2011 Population and Housing Census 10
all: GM2013pop Gambia, The 2013 The Gambia 2013 Population and Housing Census Preliminary Results 8
all: GH2021pop Ghana 2021 Ghana 2021 Population and Housing Census 65
all: HU2011pop Hungary 2011 2011 Census Preliminary Data 12
all: JP2010pop Japan 2010 2010 Population Census of Japan 20
all: KZ2009pop Kazakhstan 2009 Results of the 2009 National Population Census of the Republic of Kazakhstan 6
all: LV2011pop Latvia 2011 Latvia Population and Housing Census 2011 19
all: MZ2007pop Mozambique 2007 III General Census of Population and Housing 5
all: MM2014pop Myanmar 2014 The Population and Housing Census of Myanmar, 2014 7
all: NA2001pop Namibia 2001 2001 Namibia Population and Housing Census 37
all: NE2001pop Niger 2001 3rd General Census of Population and Housing - 2001 26
all: PL2011pop Poland 2011 Results Report: National Population and Housing Census 2011 16
all: QA2004pop Qatar 2004 Population and Housing Census, 2004 46
all: LK2001pop Sri Lanka 2001 Census of Population and Housing 2001 15
all: LK2012pop Sri Lanka 2012 Census of Population and Housing 2012 163
all: SY2004pop Syria 2004 Population and Housing Census 2004 95
all: TG2010pop Togo 2010 Fourth General Census of Population and Housing - November 2010 14
all: TN2004pop Tunisia 2004 2004 census 70
all: AE2005pop United Arab Emirates 2005 Preliminary Results of Population, Housing and Establishments Census 2005; data files from UAE Open Data Portal ( 21
Agriculture Census
ID Country Year Description Data Tables
all: AL2012ag Albania 2012 Preliminary Results of Agriculture Census, 2012 5
all: CN1997ag China 1997 First National Census of Agriculture 10
all: CK2011ag Cook Islands 2011 Census of Agriculture & Fisheries 73
all: FI2010ag Finland 2010 Agricultural Census 2010 12
all: MG2005ag Madagascar 2005 Census of Agriculture 141
all: TG2012ag Togo 2011-2014 National Census of Agriculture 2011-2014 53
all: TO2001ag Tonga 2001 Agricultural Census 2001 88
all: UG1991ag Uganda 1987-1991 Uganda National Census of Agriculture and Livestock 181
all: VU2007ag Vanuatu 2007 Census of Agriculture 2007 115
all: ZM1992ag Zambia 1990-1992 National Census of Agriculture 151
ID Country Year Description Data Tables
all: UG2002popag Uganda 2002 Report on the Agricultural Module, Piggy-backed onto the Population and Housing Census (PHC), 2002 26
Microdata Sample Tabulations
ID Country Year Description Data Tables
all: AR1970tab Argentina 1970 National Population, Family, and Housing Census, 1970 40
all: AR1980tab Argentina 1980 National Population and Housing Census, 1980 52
all: AR1991tab Argentina 1991 National Population and Housing Census, 1991 50
all: AR2001tab Argentina 2001 National Population, Households, and Dwellings Census, 2001 50
all: AR2010tab Argentina 2010 National Population, Households, and Dwellings Census, 2010 38
all: AM2001tab Armenia 2001 The 2001 Population and Housing Census of the Republic of Armenia 40
all: AM2011tab Armenia 2011 The 2011 Population and Housing Census of the Republic of Armenia 48
all: AT1971tab Austria 1971 Population Census; Building and Housing Census 1971 24
all: AT1981tab Austria 1981 Population Census; Building and Housing Census 1981 34
all: AT1991tab Austria 1991 Population Census; Building and Housing Census 1991 34
all: AT2001tab Austria 2001 Population Census; Building and Housing Census 2001 36
all: AT2011tab Austria 2011 Population Census; Housing Census 2011 28
all: BD1991tab Bangladesh 1991 Population Census 30
all: BD2001tab Bangladesh 2001 Population and Housing Census 30
all: BD2011tab Bangladesh 2011 Population and Housing Census 32
all: BY1999tab Belarus 1999 1999 Population Census of the Republic of Belarus 42
all: BY2009tab Belarus 2009 2009 Population Census of the Republic of Belarus 42
all: BJ1979tab Benin 1979 General Census of Population and Housing 1979 36
all: BJ1992tab Benin 1992 Second General Census of the Population and Habitation 50
all: BJ2002tab Benin 2002 Third Population and Habitation Census 52
all: BJ2013tab Benin 2013 Fourth Population and Habitation Census 60
all: BO1976tab Bolivia 1976 National Census of Housing and Population 1976 50
all: BO1992tab Bolivia 1992 National Census of Housing and Population 1992 52
all: BO2001tab Bolivia 2001 National Census of Housing and Population 2001 56
all: BW1981tab Botswana 1981 Population and Housing Census 1981 28
all: BW1991tab Botswana 1991 1991 Population and Housing Census 46
all: BW2001tab Botswana 2001 2001 Population and Housing Census 50
all: BW2011tab Botswana 2011 2011 Population and Housing Census 52
all: BR1960tab Brazil 1960 VII Recenseamento Geral do Brasil. Censo Demográfico de 1960. 50
all: BR1970tab Brazil 1970 VIII Recenseamento Geral do Brasil. Censo Demográfico de 1970. 52
all: BR1980tab Brazil 1980 IX Recenseamento Geral do Brasil. Censo Demográfico de 1980. 56
all: BR1991tab Brazil 1991 X Recenseamento Geral do Brasil. Censo Demográfico 1991. 54
all: BR2000tab Brazil 2000 XI Recenseamento Geral do Brasil. Censo Demográfico 2000. 54
all: BR2010tab Brazil 2010 XII Recenseamento Geral do Brasil. Censo Demográfico 2010. 54
all: BF1985tab Burkina Faso 1985 Recensement general de la population de 1985 28
all: BF1996tab Burkina Faso 1996 Recensement general de la population et de l'habitation de 1996 44
all: BF2006tab Burkina Faso 2006 Recensement general de la population et de l'habitation de 2006 50
all: KH1998tab Cambodia 1998 General Population Census of Cambodia, 1998 46
all: KH2008tab Cambodia 2008 General Population Census of Cambodia, 2008 56
all: CM1976tab Cameroon 1976 General Census of Population and Housing, 1976 36
all: CM1987tab Cameroon 1987 Second General Census of Population and Housing,1987 36
all: CM2005tab Cameroon 2005 Third General Census of Population and Housing 46
all: CA1971tab Canada 1971 1971 Census of Canada 38
all: CA1981tab Canada 1981 1981 Census of Canada 32
all: CA1991tab Canada 1991 1991 Census of Canada 32
all: CA2001tab Canada 2001 2001 Census 30
all: CA2011tab Canada 2011 2011 National Household Survey 32
all: CL1960tab Chile 1960 XIII Censo General de Población. II Censo de Vivienda 50
all: CL1970tab Chile 1970 XIV Censo Nacional de Población y III de Vivienda 56
all: CL1982tab Chile 1982 XV Censo Nacional de Población y IV de Vivienda 58
all: CL1992tab Chile 1992 XVI Censo Nacional de Población y V de Vivienda 56
all: CL2002tab Chile 2002 XVII Censo Nacional de Población y VI de Vivienda 56
all: CN1982tab China 1982 Third National Population Census 28
all: CN1990tab China 1990 Fourth National Population Census 28
all: CN2000tab China 2000 Fifth National Population Census 20
all: CO1964tab Colombia 1964 XIII National Population and II Housing Census 32
all: CO1973tab Colombia 1973 XIV National Population and III Housing Census 52
all: CO1985tab Colombia 1985 XV National Population and IV Housing Census 46
all: CO1993tab Colombia 1993 XVI National Population and V de Housing Census 50
all: CO2005tab Colombia 2005 General Census 2005 (XVII of Population and Dwelling and VI of Housing). 54
all: CR1963tab Costa Rica 1963 VI Censo Nacional de Población y II de Vivienda 48
all: CR1973tab Costa Rica 1973 Censos Nacionales- Mayo de 1973. III de Vivienda - VII de Población 56
all: CR1984tab Costa Rica 1984 Censos Nacionales 1984. Octavo Censo Nacional de Población. Cuarto Censo Nacional de Vivienda 58
all: CR2000tab Costa Rica 2000 Censos Nacionales IX de Población y V de Vivienda 2000 58
all: CR2011tab Costa Rica 2011 X Censo Nacional de Población y VI de Vivienda 58
all: CU2002tab Cuba 2002 The 2002 Census of Population and Dwellings 32
all: DO1960tab Dominican Republic 1960 IV National Population Census 32
all: DO1970tab Dominican Republic 1970 V National Population and Housing Census, 1970 38
all: DO1981tab Dominican Republic 1981 VI National Population and Housing Census, 1981 54
all: DO2002tab Dominican Republic 2002 VIII National Population and Housing Census, 2002 30
all: DO2010tab Dominican Republic 2010 IX National Population and Housing Census, 2010 60
all: EC1962tab Ecuador 1962 Censos de Población y Vivienda, 1962 46
all: EC1974tab Ecuador 1974 III Censo de Población y II de Vivienda, 1974 46
all: EC1982tab Ecuador 1982 IV Censo de Población y III de Vivienda, 1982 50
all: EC1990tab Ecuador 1990 V Censo de Población y IV de Vivienda, 1990 54
all: EC2001tab Ecuador 2001 VI Censo de Población y V de Vivienda, 2001 54
all: EC2010tab Ecuador 2010 VII Censo de Población y VI de Vivienda, 2010 54
all: EG1986tab Egypt 1986 Population, Housing and Establishment Census 1986 42
all: EG1996tab Egypt 1996 Population, Housing and Establishment Census 1996 44
all: EG2006tab Egypt 2006 Population, Housing and Establishments Census 2006 50
all: SV1992tab El Salvador 1992 5th Census of Population 56
all: SV2007tab El Salvador 2007 6th Census of Population 60
all: ET1984tab Ethiopia 1984 1984 Population and Housing Census of Ethiopia 38
all: ET1994tab Ethiopia 1994 The 1994 Population and Housing Census of Ethiopia 38
all: ET2007tab Ethiopia 2007 The 2007 Population and Housing Census of Ethiopia 46
all: FJ1966tab Fiji 1966 Census of the Population 1966 14
all: FJ1976tab Fiji 1976 1976 Population Census 34
all: FJ1986tab Fiji 1986 1986 Population Census 38
all: FJ1996tab Fiji 1996 1996 Population Census 42
all: FJ2007tab Fiji 2007 2007 Population and Housing Census 52
all: FR1962tab France 1962 General Population Census of 1962 32
all: FR1968tab France 1968 General Population Census of 1968 44
all: FR1975tab France 1975 General Population Census of 1975 38
all: FR1982tab France 1982 General Population Census of 1982 40
all: FR1990tab France 1990 General Population Census of 1990 34
all: FR1999tab France 1999 General Population Census of 1999 34
all: FR2006tab France 2006 2006-Census (cycle 2004-2008) 34
all: FR2011tab France 2011 Population Census 2011 (cycle 2009-2013) 36
all: DE1970tab Germany 1970 The 1970 Census of the Federal Republic Germany 28
all: DE1971tab Germany 1971 The 1971 Census of Population, Occupation, Dwellings and Buildings of the German Democratic Republic 22
all: DE1981tab Germany 1981 The 1981 Census of Population, Occupation, Dwellings and Buildings of the German Democratic Republic 22
all: DE1987tab Germany 1987 Population Census 1987, Federal Republic Germany 30
all: GH1984tab Ghana 1984 1984 Population Census 28
all: GH2000tab Ghana 2000 2000 Population and Housing Census 50
all: GH2010tab Ghana 2010 2010 Population and Housing Census 54
all: GR1971tab Greece 1971 National Population Housing Census 1971 38
all: GR1981tab Greece 1981 National Population Housing Census 1981 38
all: GR1991tab Greece 1991 National Population Housing Census 1991 44
all: GR2001tab Greece 2001 National Population Housing Census 2001 40
all: GR2011tab Greece 2011 2011 Population and Housing Census 40
all: GN1983tab Guinea 1983 General Census of Population and Housing, 1983 44
all: GN1996tab Guinea 1996 General Census of Population and Housing, 1996 44
all: HT1971tab Haiti 1971 Recensement General de la Population du Logement et de l'Agriculture de 1971 36
all: HT1982tab Haiti 1982 Recensement General de la Population et du Logement 1982 42
all: HT2003tab Haiti 2003 Recensement General de la Population et de l'Habitat 56
all: HN1961tab Honduras 1961 National Census of Housing 44
all: HN1974tab Honduras 1974 National Census of Population and Housing 36
all: HN1988tab Honduras 1988 National Population and Housing Census 1988 52
all: HN2001tab Honduras 2001 XVI Population Census and V Dwelling Census 2001 58
all: HU1970tab Hungary 1970 1970 Population census 13
all: HU1980tab Hungary 1980 1980 Population census 14
all: HU1990tab Hungary 1990 1990 Population census 19
all: HU2001tab Hungary 2001 Population census 2001 18
all: HU2011tab Hungary 2011 Population census 2011 18
all: IN1983tab India 1983 Socio-Economic Survey, Household Schedule 10: Employment and Unemployment, January to December, 1983 34
all: IN1987tab India 1987 Socio-Economic Survey, Household Schedule 10: Employment and Unemployment, July, 1987-June, 1988 32
all: IN1993tab India 1993 Socio-Economic Survey, Household Schedule 10: Employment and Unemployment, July, 1993-June, 1994 30
all: IN1999tab India 1999 Socio-Economic Survey, Household Schedule 10: Employment and Unemployment, July, 1999-June, 2000 30
all: IN2004tab India 2004 Socio-Economic Survey, Household Schedule 10: Employment and Unemployment, July, 2004-June, 2005 30
all: IN2009tab India 2009 Socio-Economic Survey, Household Schedule 10: Employment and Unemployment, July, 2009-June, 2010 30
all: ID1971tab Indonesia 1971 Population Census, 1971 48
all: ID1976tab Indonesia 1976 Intercensal Population Survey 1976 48
all: ID1980tab Indonesia 1980 1980 Census of Population 50
all: ID1985tab Indonesia 1985 1985 Intercensus Population Survey 46
all: ID1990tab Indonesia 1990 1990 Population Census 54
all: ID1995tab Indonesia 1995 Intercensus Population Survey 1995 54
all: ID2000tab Indonesia 2000 Population Census 2000 18
all: ID2005tab Indonesia 2005 2005 Intercensal Population Survey 38
all: ID2010tab Indonesia 2010 2010 Population Census 48
all: IR2006tab Iran 2006 2006 General Census of Population and Housing 54
all: IR2011tab Iran 2011 2011 National Population and Housing Census 36
all: IQ1997tab Iraq 1997 1997 Population and Housing Census 46
all: IE1971tab Ireland 1971 Census of Population of Ireland, 1971 40
all: IE1979tab Ireland 1979 Census of Population of Ireland, 1979 8
all: IE1981tab Ireland 1981 Census of Population of Ireland, 1981 34
all: IE1986tab Ireland 1986 Census of Population of Ireland, 1986 28
all: IE1991tab Ireland 1991 Census of Population of Ireland, 1991 36
all: IE1996tab Ireland 1996 Census of Population of Ireland, 1996 26
all: IE2002tab Ireland 2002 Census of Population of Ireland, 2002 36
all: IE2006tab Ireland 2006 Census of Population of Ireland, 2006 36
all: IE2011tab Ireland 2011 Census of Population of Ireland, 2011 40
all: IL1972tab Israel 1972 Census of Population and Housing, 1972 40
all: IL1983tab Israel 1983 Census of Population and Housing, 1983 28
all: IL1995tab Israel 1995 Census of Population and Housing, 1995 38
all: IT2001tab Italy 2001 The 14th General Population Census and General Housing Census 38
all: IT2011tab Italy 2011 15th General Population and Housing Census 36
all: JM1982tab Jamaica 1982 Population Census 1982, Jamaica 46
all: JM1991tab Jamaica 1991 Population Census 1991, Jamaica 44
all: JM2001tab Jamaica 2001 Population Census 2001, Jamaica 52
all: JO2004tab Jordan 2004 Population and Housing Census 2004 46
all: KE1969tab Kenya 1969 1969 Population Census 18
all: KE1979tab Kenya 1979 1979 Population Census 22
all: KE1989tab Kenya 1989 1989 Population and Housing census 46
all: KE1999tab Kenya 1999 1999 Population and Housing census 44
all: KE2009tab Kenya 2009 2009 Kenya Population and Housing Census 44
all: KG1999tab Kyrgyz Republic 1999 First National Population Census of the Kyrgyz Republic 44
all: KG2009tab Kyrgyz Republic 2009 Census of Population and Housing of the Kyrgyz Republic, 2009 34
all: LS1996tab Lesotho 1996 Population Census 42
all: LS2006tab Lesotho 2006 Population and Housing Census 54
all: LR1974tab Liberia 1974 1974 Population and Housing Census 24
all: LR2008tab Liberia 2008 2008 National Population and Housing Census 56
all: MW1987tab Malawi 1987 1987 Population and Housing Census 50
all: MW1998tab Malawi 1998 1998 Population and Housing Census 48
all: MW2008tab Malawi 2008 2008 Population and Housing Census 56
all: MY1970tab Malaysia 1970 1970 Population and Housing Census 44
all: MY1980tab Malaysia 1980 1980 Population and Housing Census 46
all: MY1991tab Malaysia 1991 1991 Population and Housing Census 46
all: MY2000tab Malaysia 2000 2000 Population and Housing Census 48
all: ML1987tab Mali 1987 General Census of Population and Housing 1987 42
all: ML1998tab Mali 1998 General Census of Population and Housing 1998 48
all: ML2009tab Mali 2009 Fourth General Census of Population and Housing 2009 52
all: MX1960tab Mexico 1960 VIII General Population and Housing Census, 1960 20
all: MX1970tab Mexico 1970 IX General Population and Housing Census, 1970 52
all: MX1990tab Mexico 1990 XI General Population and Housing Census, 1990 52
all: MX1995tab Mexico 1995 Population and Dwelling Count 1995 48
all: MX2000tab Mexico 2000 XII General Population and Housing Census, 2000 58
all: MX2005tab Mexico 2005 Count of Population and Dwellings, 2005 34
all: MX2010tab Mexico 2010 2010 Population adn Housing Census 60
all: MX2015tab Mexico 2015 Intercensal Survey 2015 60
all: MN1989tab Mongolia 1989 Population and Housing Census 1989 24
all: MN2000tab Mongolia 2000 Population and Housing Census 2000 36
all: MA1982tab Morocco 1982 General census of Population and Housing, 1982 42
all: MA1994tab Morocco 1994 General census of Population and Housing, 1994 42
all: MA2004tab Morocco 2004 General census of Population and Housing, 2004 48
all: MZ1997tab Mozambique 1997 II Recenseamiento Geral da População e Habitação, 1997 44
all: MZ2007tab Mozambique 2007 III Recenseamiento Geral da População e Habitação, 2007 54
all: NL1960tab Netherlands 1960 Dertiende Algemene Volkstelling (31 mei-1 juni 1960); tevens Beroepstelling 5
all: NL1971tab Netherlands 1971 Veertiende Algemene Volkstelling (tevens Beroepstelling en Algemene Woningtelling) 28 februari 1971 5
all: NL2001tab Netherlands 2001 The Dutch Virtual Census of 2001 11
all: NL2011tab Netherlands 2011 The Dutch Virtual Census of 2011 11
all: NI1971tab Nicaragua 1971 1971 National Census of Dwellings and Population 52
all: NI1995tab Nicaragua 1995 1995 National Census. Seventh Census of Population, Third Census of Dwellings. 50
all: NI2005tab Nicaragua 2005 2005 National Census. Eighth Census of Population, Fourth Census of Dwellings. 58
all: NG2006tab Nigeria 2006 General Household Survey, 2006-07 54
all: NG2007tab Nigeria 2007 General Household Survey, 2007-08 54
all: NG2008tab Nigeria 2008 General Household Survey, 2008-09 52
all: NG2009tab Nigeria 2009 General Household Survey, 2009-10 52
all: NG2010tab Nigeria 2010 General Household Survey, 2010-11 48
all: PK1973tab Pakistan 1973 Housing, Economic, Demographic Characteristics survey (H.E.D), 1973 36
all: PK1981tab Pakistan 1981 Housing and Population Census, 1980-81 14
all: PK1998tab Pakistan 1998 Fifth Housing and Population Census Pakistan 22
all: PS1997tab Palestine 1997 Palestinian Population, Housing, and Establishment Census, 1997 56
all: PS2007tab Palestine 2007 Palestinian Population, Housing, and Establishment Census, 2007 56
all: PA1960tab Panama 1960 Sexto Censo de Población y Segundo de Vivienda de Panamá 1960 48
all: PA1970tab Panama 1970 Séptimo Censo de Población y Tercero de Vivienda de Panamá 1970 34
all: PA1980tab Panama 1980 Octavo Censo Nacional de Población y Cuarto de Vivienda de Panamá 1980 54
all: PA1990tab Panama 1990 Noveno Censo Nacional de Población y Quinto de Vivienda de Panamá 1990 52
all: PA2000tab Panama 2000 X Censo Nacional de Población y VI de Vivienda de Panamá 2000 58
all: PA2010tab Panama 2010 XI Censo Nacional de Población y VII de Vivienda de Panamá 2001 60
all: PG1980tab Papua New Guinea 1980 National Population Census 38
all: PG1990tab Papua New Guinea 1990 National Population Census 38
all: PG2000tab Papua New Guinea 2000 National Census 42
all: PY1962tab Paraguay 1962 Censo de Población y Viviendas, 1962 36
all: PY1972tab Paraguay 1972 Censo Nacional de Población y Viviendas, 1972 52
all: PY1982tab Paraguay 1982 Censo Nacional de Población y Viviendas, 1982 52
all: PY1992tab Paraguay 1992 Censo Nacional de Población y Viviendas,1992 54
all: PY2002tab Paraguay 2002 Censo Nacional de Población y Viviendas, 2002; Censo Nacional Indígena de Población y Viviendas, 2002 58
all: PE1993tab Peru 1993 National Censuses: IX Population and IV Housing, Peru 1993 58
all: PE2007tab Peru 2007 Nationala Censuses 2007: 11th Population Census and 6th Housing Census 58
all: PH1990tab Philippines 1990 1990 Census of Population and Housing 50
all: PH1995tab Philippines 1995 1995 Census of Population 12
all: PH2000tab Philippines 2000 2000 Census of Population and Housing 30
all: PH2010tab Philippines 2010 2010 Census of Population and Housing 36
all: PL1978tab Poland 1978 National Population and Housing Census 1978 20
all: PL1988tab Poland 1988 National Census of Population and Housing 1988 20
all: PL2002tab Poland 2002 National Census of Population and Housing in 2002 36
all: PL2011tab Poland 2011 National Population and Housing Census 2011 16
all: PT1981tab Portugal 1981 XII Recenseamento Geral da População e II Recenseamento Geral da Habitação 44
all: PT1991tab Portugal 1991 XIII Recenseamento Geral da População e III Recenseamento Geral da Habitação 44
all: PT2001tab Portugal 2001 XIV Recenseamento Geral da População e IV Recenseamento Geral da Habitação 42
all: PT2011tab Portugal 2011 Censos 2011: XV Receseamento Geral da População; V Receseamento Geral da Habitação 40
all: RO1977tab Romania 1977 Population and Housing Census 30
all: RO1992tab Romania 1992 Population and Housing Census 44
all: RO2002tab Romania 2002 Population and Housing Census 42
all: RO2011tab Romania 2011 2011 Population and Housing Census 44
all: RW1991tab Rwanda 1991 Recensement Général de la Population et de l'Habitat, 16-30 août 1991 36
all: RW2002tab Rwanda 2002 IIIème Recensement Général de la Population et de l'Habitat, 16-30 août 2002 56
all: RW2012tab Rwanda 2012 4th Populatioin and Housing Census 60
all: LC1980tab Saint Lucia 1980 Commonwealth Caribbean Population Census - St. Lucia 24
all: LC1991tab Saint Lucia 1991 Commonwealth Caribbean Population Census - St. Lucia, 1991 30
all: SN1988tab Senegal 1988 General Census of Population and Housing (1988) 50
all: SN2002tab Senegal 2002 Third General Census of Population and Housing (2002) 54
all: SL2004tab Sierra Leone 2004 2004 Population and Housing Census 56
all: SI2002tab Slovenia 2002 Census of Population, Households and Housing in the Republic of Slovenia in 2002 38
all: ZA1996tab South Africa 1996 Population Census, 1996 23
all: ZA2001tab South Africa 2001 Census 2001 50
all: ZA2007tab South Africa 2007 Community Survey 2007 50
all: ZA2011tab South Africa 2011 Census 2011 44
all: SS2008tab South Sudan 2008 5th Sudan Population and Housing Census 50
all: ES1981tab Spain 1981 Census of Population and Housing 1981, Spain 34
all: ES1991tab Spain 1991 Census of Population and Housing 1991, Spain 40
all: ES2001tab Spain 2001 Census of Population and Housing 2001, Spain 42
all: ES2011tab Spain 2011 Censos de Población y Viviendas 2011 38
all: SD2008tab Sudan 2008 5th Sudan Population and Housing Census 50
all: CH1970tab Switzerland 1970 Swiss Federal Population Census of 1970 28
all: CH1980tab Switzerland 1980 Swiss Federal Population Census of 1980 28
all: CH1990tab Switzerland 1990 Federal Population Census 1990 28
all: CH2000tab Switzerland 2000 Federal Population Census 2000 32
all: TZ1988tab Tanzania 1988 The United Republic of Tanzania, Population Census 1988 44
all: TZ2002tab Tanzania 2002 The United Republic of Tanzania, 2002 Population and Housing Census 48
all: TZ2012tab Tanzania 2012 2012 Population and Housing Census 56
all: TH1970tab Thailand 1970 The 1970 Population and Housing Census of Thailand 36
all: TH1980tab Thailand 1980 The 1980 Population and Housing Census of Thailand 38
all: TH1990tab Thailand 1990 The 1990 Population and Housing Census of Thailand 38
all: TH2000tab Thailand 2000 The 2000 Population and Housing Census of Thailand 36
all: TT1970tab Trinidad and Tobago 1970 Commonwealth Caribbean Population Census, 1970 Trinidad and Tobago 32
all: TT1980tab Trinidad and Tobago 1980 1980 Population and Housing Census 38
all: TT1990tab Trinidad and Tobago 1990 1990 Population and Housing Census 40
all: TT2000tab Trinidad and Tobago 2000 2000 Population and Housing Census 48
all: TT2011tab Trinidad and Tobago 2011 2011 Population and Housing Census 42
all: TR1985tab Turkey 1985 The 1985 General Population Census 36
all: TR1990tab Turkey 1990 The 1990 General Population Census 34
all: TR2000tab Turkey 2000 The 2000 General Population Census 40
all: UG1991tab Uganda 1991 1991 Population and Housing Census 46
all: UG2002tab Uganda 2002 2002 Uganda Population and Housing Census (with agricultural module) 52
all: UA2001tab Ukraine 2001 All-Ukrainian Population Census 2001 28
all: UK1991tab United Kingdom 1991 1991 Census 30
all: UK2001tab United Kingdom 2001 2001 Census 28
all: UY1963tab Uruguay 1963 General Population Census IV and Housing II 48
all: UY1975tab Uruguay 1975 General Population Census IV and Housing III 46
all: UY1985tab Uruguay 1985 General Population Census VI and Housing IV 56
all: UY1996tab Uruguay 1996 General Population Census VII, Home III and Housing V 56
all: UY2006tab Uruguay 2006 Extended National Survey of Homes (ENHA) 56
all: UY2011tab Uruguay 2011 General Population Census VIII, Homes IV and Housing VI 50
all: VE1971tab Venezuela 1971 X Censo General de Población y Vivienda, 50
all: VE1981tab Venezuela 1981 XI Censo de Población y Vivienda 54
all: VE1990tab Venezuela 1990 XII Censo General de Población y Vivienda 58
all: VE2001tab Venezuela 2001 XIII Censo General de Población y Vivienda 60
all: VN1989tab Viet Nam 1989 1989 Population and Housing Census 42
all: VN1999tab Viet Nam 1999 1999 Population and Housing Census 48
all: VN2009tab Viet Nam 2009 2009 Population and Housing Census 48
all: ZM1990tab Zambia 1990 1990 Census of Population, Housing and Agriculture 54
all: ZM2000tab Zambia 2000 2000 Census of Population and Housing 58
all: ZM2010tab Zambia 2010 2010 Census of Population and Housing 58
all: ZW2012tab Zimbabwe 2012 Population Census 2012 38
Population Census
ID Country Year Description Data Tables
Africa: DZ1998pop Algeria 1998 Population and Housing Census 1998 7
Africa: AO2014pop Angola 2014 General Population and Housing Census 34
Africa: GM2013pop Gambia, The 2013 The Gambia 2013 Population and Housing Census Preliminary Results 8
Africa: GH2021pop Ghana 2021 Ghana 2021 Population and Housing Census 65
Africa: MZ2007pop Mozambique 2007 III General Census of Population and Housing 5
Africa: NA2001pop Namibia 2001 2001 Namibia Population and Housing Census 37